
Thanks to our incredible bishop and a little fudging of the rules, the ward sustained Jaxson as a deacon the day before his twelfth birthday. So, Jason was able to ordain him while he was in town for 1 day to pick up the van and drive it back out to Oklahoma. It was a...

Our very own Deacon

Believe it or not, Jaxson turned 12. He is no longer in primary, but a deacon. It’s crazy for me to think about. I still remember the day he was born, not breathing, with a huge head. And how fat he got in the first couple months, leading to his nick name of “Bubba”. He...

Summer Filth….er…. Fun.

There are times that your kids make messes that require discipline, teaching, maybe a little yelling. And then there are times when your kids make messes that require nothing more than grabbing the camera and clicking away. This was one of those times.

Activity Days

In Katauna’s AD group they made their own modest skirts, and then had a talent show to show them off. It was a lovely evening with my tauna wauna.