Welcome back

We made it back. I was actually pretty happy to walk in and see my beautiful big clean kitchen, I did miss that. I’ll admit, we did not unpack as quickly as we have in the past. By the time Sunday rolled around there were still boxes everywhere. But we went to church.

And when we came home… our house was flooded. The connection to our water filter had come loose, and water had run. The whole time we were gone. For three hours. The basement was a swimming pool.

Glad to be back.

Away we go

The time has come. Our year in Indiana is officially coming to a close. We are about to hit the road again. I can’t think about the friends we will miss. I can’t think about the people who have become like family. I can’t think about our ward. I can’t think about how lush and pretty it is here. There is a lot I can’t think about. This has been the best year. The best. And we will miss all of it. So much.

Time to get back to Utah. Back home. Back to family.

Back to the desert (waaaaaaaaaa, sniff, sniff).

More to miss

Is anyone getting tired of the “what I’m going to miss waaaaaaaa” posts yet? No? Oh good, because here is another. I’m going to miss our fireplace. Our front room where we play dominion all. the. time. Cool autumn evenings on the lake. Warm fires for chilly toes.

The end.

Running out

I feel the time slipping away. The months have turned to weeks and the weeks are nearly down to days until we have to leave. I will miss our friday nights at the football games. We’ve never been huge sports fanatics, but so many of the young men in our ward play on the football team that it’s hard to think about missing a single game. It’s been fun to get to know them on the field, cheer for them, eat stadium food, and just be outside on these perfect Indiana evenings. I think we should never leave.

Book Worms

Have I ever mentioned that we are readers?

We are.

Weekly library trips will be missed when we head back to Utah. Saratoga Springs has a pathetic library. For real.