
One of the big chains out here is called “Braums”. We had never heard of it either. But, you can’t drive more than 2 miles without coming across at least one or two of them. They have pretty yummy icecream. They make pretty good hamburgers. And they have a little grocery store in the restaurant,...

Birthday Party, yes please.

Jason has been able to make some new friends at work, and Silvano is one of our favorites. He’s just a great guy, and the fact that he used to own a restaurant and makes the most amazing mexican food on the planet does not work against him. He’s made tacos for us a few...

Something I love about Oklahoma

I am so in love with the weather we have had in Oklahoma this winter. Now, I know, usually they have a few ice storms and such, but this year it has just been beautiful! We have had a few days dip down into the 30s and 40s, but generally, if that happens, the next...


Looking back over 2011, I can honestly say this has been one of the hardest and best years for our family. We dealt with severe financial stress due to the economic downturn killing the construction industry in Utah. We were on the brink of foreclosure…. more than once. We had to spend a few months...