
So, Sienna was waiting for a friend to arrive yesterday, when she climbed up on the window sill and sat there looking out the window.  I scrambled to grab my camera and take a few shots before she realized it, and I think got some cute ones.  As you can see, once she sees the...


So, Rae is a photographer. She is a phenomenal photographer.  We are working on getting a photo blog set up for her to showcase her work.  She has this creative eye that I simply don’t understand or know where she got it, but I’ve had to come to grips with the fact that she is...

Oklahoma City Zoo

On a rare Saturday off, Jason wanted to have a family day.  He was thinking taking a long drive, find some mountains, or something that resembles mountains, do a picnic, take a hike, etc etc.  You know, a Utah kind of family day, but in Oklahoma. Well, he made the mistake of asking the kids...

Hot Chocolate Kind of Day

So, three times a week I get together with two of my friends, Michelle and Angie, and we go walking.  We take all of our kids to the park and Rae and Sam (Angie’s oldest) watch all the others while they play tag and capture the flag and whatever. We walk 4 miles and it...