Soccer Tryouts

Just after the season finished off, the Rage were conducting tryouts again. Jaxson has been practicing with his friend Noah’s team all year, even though he wasn’t on the team. A few weeks ago the coach came over to our house and insisted that I allow Jax to try out this year. He said “I...

Jump Team

This year McKyla was part of Jump Team. The sixth graders who want to can join. You have to be able to perform to a certain level in order to be allowed to travel with the team. They take days off school and take the bus to other schools and perform. She practiced twice a...

Too Terribly Quiet.

Sometimes around here, if I get busy working on the computer and the big kids are out and about, things will get very very quiet. Sometimes, things will be quiet for a long time. And at those times a little voice whispers in my head and says “It’s been quiet for a long time, don’t...

Hope of America – Take 2

I know I already did a Hope of America Post on this blog. It was a year ago. I was able to go last year and it was super rad. This year, Jason got to go and he took all 4 big kids with him. I stayed home with the babes. And this year, it...