Day Camp

Katauna got to go to Jeremiah Johnson day camp this year for Activity Days. And, lucky me, since I am one of the Activity Days Leaders, I got to go as well. It really was pretty neat and the girls had a lot of fun. We had 21 girls in our group, so it was...

Grandpa’s 60th birthday!

I can’t believe my dad is this OLD. It’s funny really, I used to think 40 was old, but now that I’m only a few years away from it, it doesn’t seem too old at all. The more I think about it, I don’t really think 60 is that old either. I think we all...

Memorial Day at the Gleason’s

We weren’t sure if we were going to have a BBQ at Grandma and Grandpa Gleason’s house for Memorial day this year, because it was just a few weeks after Grandpa’s surgery to have his prostate removed. But, his recovery has been phenomenal, so they said “why not?” I love summer for so many reasons,...

Choir Concert

Jaxson was in choir this year and we got to see him perform during the last week of school. Jason was leaving town that day, so he actually went to the 9AM performance with the school kids. I went that evening for the parent’s show. Jax had to get up early a few days a...

Salt Lake Bees

A few weeks ago a friend of Jason’s gave us Bees tickets. The kids had never been to a baseball game so we made a night of it.We drove up to Sandy and then hopped on Trax which took us right to the ballpark. It was the first time the kids had ever been on...