
On the way home from our little campout we decided to take a drive down memory lane. I haven’t been back to Rexburg since leaving Ricks College in 1996 to run off and marry my prince charming. It has definitely changed a lot in the last 13 years, mostly due to the college becoming a...

Multipurpose Camping Trip

The end of the week that dad was in town was a whirlwind of fun. Busy busy busy. We planned a 4-day camping trip… but the closer and closer it got, the more our plans changed. We ended up only camping one night, but it was still a great trip. A lot of driving, hanging...

How do these things happen?

In a house containing a father, mother, and 4 big kids…. how do things like this occur without anyone taking notice? Yes, it’s red. Yes, it’s permanent. Yes, that’s travertine. After a combined effort involving both parents and 2 of the big kids, and a pack of Magic Erasers, it is no longer red, but...

Jaxson’s 11th Birthday

On June 13th Jaxson turned 11. Dad got home the day before, so he was here to celebrate for the first time in 3 years. I can’t believe Jaxson is already 11. He is such a good kid. One of my favorite attributes of Jaxson is how much he loves people. He is the best...

I’m so glad when Daddy comes home…

After three weeks apart, it was wonderful to have our dad back home again! I got sick the day before he flew in, and still had a lingering headache, so my brother, Ryan the Great, picked up Jason at the airport and brought him home to us. Needless to say he was smothered with love...