Perry Family Campout 2010

Oh I have put this off and put this off for so long! Campout was held the beginning of August this year. I came home from campout with over 800 pictures on my camera. Yes, I like my camera. I have just procrastinated pulling them all off and weeding through them. And then I procrastinated...

One more first day of school.

Because of a change in work conditions, we are not able to work at home anymore. So, we have to go into Lindon every day to work. Since none of us want to put our kids in day care we came up with a great plan. Jason spent a couple days down at the shop...

First Day of School 2010

So this year Jaxson is in 6th grade, Teegan is in 4th and Katauna is in 3rd. It blows me away to think that if we hadn’t had our two little cabooses my BABY would be in 3rd Grade. Insane. Jaxson’s teacher is Mr. Bilbao, Teegan’s is Ms. Card, and Katauna’s is Ms. Millsap. All...

Vista Heights

Rae started school a day before everyone else this year on August 24. She started early because Vista Heights (her new school) had 7th grade orientation. She is in 7th grade. She is in 7th grade. Weird. She catches the bus at 8:00 and doesn’t get back until 3:15. She loved her first day and...


It never fails. Never. When I finally bring myself around to the fact that my floor MUST be mopped. When I finally get my butt in gear and get the mop out. When I finally get the satisfaction that comes from a sparkling clean kitchen floor. It is inevitable that within 24 hours something like...