Katauna got to go to Jeremiah Johnson day camp this year for Activity Days. And, lucky me, since I am one of the Activity Days Leaders, I got to go as well. It really was pretty neat and the girls had a lot of fun. We had 21 girls in our group, so it was a full time job just making sure we didn’t lose anyone, making runs to the bathroom, etc. But I did get a chance to shoot a few pictures of my girl.
The first station was archery.

Next they moved on to bb guns. Katauna hit the can 3 times!

On to the boats, and then some rockets and some crafts. It was a hot day (thankfully) and our group leader Zach was a lot of fun. It was nice to be able to be there with Katauna Wauna and watch her interact with the other girls. I don’t know if I’ll still be the leader when she makes it into the older age group, so I was glad to have at least one activity with her.