Lately around here it has been nothing but work, work, work. For those of you who don’t know… which is probably no one, since I think there are only 3 of you who read this blog and you are all my siblings… so you already know because you do this too…. I work at home. My parents own a small company called D&C Enterprises. They have been working in assembly for a company called Tactical Lighting Solutions (TLS) for about 3 or 4 years now. We build flashlights for the military. My dad works at the shop with Amber, Ashley and about 10 other people. My mom and Debra work at my mom’s house with 4 or 5 ladies. Shalyn and Jocelyn both work at home. And I work at home too. I have 3 ladies who regularly come to my house everyday and we work for about 4 or 5 hours a day on average. Then I usually work for a few more hours that night doing prep work for the next day. I also have 4 different gals that work at their own house prepping some of the parts for us and drop them off each day. The people I work with are a lot of fun and make the time fly by. It’s been a great opportunity for us to be able to pay off some debt and do some fun things with the extra cash. Thanks mom and dad for the sacrifices you have made to give us all this opportunity. We’ve been really busy lately so I’ve had to hire on one more little recruit.
Believe it or not, she actually does a pretty good job of getting the little caps on straight, and if she stays focused, she’s pretty dang fast.