Easter was never one of my favorite holidays as a kid. I don’t know why. As a grown-up I love it. The coloring of the eggs…such an art. Waking to see what the Easter Bunny left…so fun. The hunt after hunt after hunt…exhilarating. What’s not to love? We usually do our Easter egg hunt on Saturday Morning instead of Sunday, so we can focus on the true reason for Easter on the Sabbath. This year, with the hunts on Saturday, and the Easter Bunny running a little behind schedule, we ended up coloring eggs Saturday night and having our egg hunt Sunday morning. The most impressive part of Easter this year…. after an early morning egg hunt we all made it to 9:00 church 20 minutes early.
Getting ready to color eggs. Look at all those little white canvases.
Teegan understands the beauty of one rich solid color.
Sienna had help on most her eggs from Dad and Mom, but we did let her do one all by herself.
McKyla using the fancy tie-die egg coloring kit we bought. They actually turned out pretty cool.
Each of the kids got 5 eggs to color…there would have been more, but we had a few cracking casualties.
Katauna is quite the egg artist.
Easter Morning. This egg had Jace’s name written on it. After she army crawled over to it, I let her play with it for about 3 seconds before I switched it out for a plastic one. This one was turning her mouth blue.
Sienna learned how this works yesterday, she found three before I could call down the hall for Tauna to come out.
That Easter Bunny found some tricky spots this year, but not tricky enough to stump Jaxson.
The Easter Bunny always brings my kiddos new play clothes for the spring. Unbelieavably, this year they all fit. What a crew we have.