I am one of those really really pathetic moms who never knows/remembers when school picture day is. And so, the hair is never curly, or in the boy’s cases sometimes not even combed. I don’t pick the outfit. I have one thing to say. OH WELL. So they might not be glamour shots, but these are my kids. The way they look on an average day. And I think they are amazing.
She has since this picture began losing those baby teeth. I will miss the gap tooth smile.

As you can see, he has already started losing his teeth in this picture. I have never had
a kid with smaller baby teeth followed by bigger permanents.
Jaxson Lane 9 years old. (Almost 10)
Poor Jaxson’s glasses were broken. He went to school for a whole week without them while they were being fixed. (Thank goodness for full warranties on kids frames). It is definitely time for buzz cuts for the spring/summer. I can’t wait.
McKyla Rae 11 years old.
I know, I know. All the sudden she is not a little girl anymore. When did this happen?