We were blessed with a very very brief glance at spring, and we jumped on it without hesitation. We spent nearly a week straight outside everyday. It was so nice, and I can’t wait until it arrives for real. We got a little weeding done in the beds. (And when I say we, I mean Jason and the kids.) We laid out. (And here, of course, we means I.) The kids played in the park. We totally took advantage of the Emmetts trampoline. And we had a BBQ, which I didn’t take pictures of, but which we squoze in on the very last day before the snow came back. The Ryan Gleasons, the David Gleasons, The Dalan Perrys, Melissa and the twins, and the Emmetts all came over. It was a lot of fun with the dads and kids playing kickball while the moms and babies stayed inside. Good food, good friends and good weather.
I don’t know what else you could wish for on a spring day.
One of the greatest blessings in our lives is to live next door to fantastic people with kids who play with my kids and a mom who is such a great friend to me.