Sunday Morning after we checked out of the Hotel, we had some time to kill before meeting the family at the reception center for lunch and clean up, so we took a drive. First Jason drove us around and showed us where all his old girlfriends lived…that was soooooo fun. Then we decided to head to Shoshone falls.

This is the view looking back from my seat. I’m the luckiest mom in the world.

We stopped and looked down at theSnake River, and Jason told the kids about a fishing trip he took there with his dad once.

Me and the kids looking at the falls.

Can’t really see us, but this is a good picture of Shoshone Falls.

Jason and the 6 yahoos.
These last two pictures were taken the last time we went to Shoshone Falls, which was in November 1997. I think of the three of us, McKyla has changed the most. 🙂