One of the things that drew us to our home in Saratoga Springs was the big park in the backyard. (And for mom, the fact that the elementary school is just across the park didn’t hurt either…the thought of no more driving kids to school. Mmm.) We knew we wouldn’t be able to use the park much for the first couple months, since we moved in December, but had no idea that winter would last through May this year! Yuck. Now that it is finally warm out, we are taking full advantage. The park has a sidewalk all the way around it, and my kiddos are out riding their bikes around it everyday. Jason and the kids spend a lot of time playing soccer, kickball, and wiffleball. These are just a few of the pics I took during their last wiffle ball match. The final score was Dad & Tauna 7, Kyla-Jax-Tee 10. The kids came from being down 7 to 3, and Kyla hit the winning run.
Jaxson at Bat
Teegan at Bat
McKyla Rae
I just love this picture of Katauna, even though her hair is in her face, I think her expression is priceless.