We are all missing Jason incredibly… but I never realized our little girl was old enough to feel it too. Tonight I was in my bedroom with her, having her do tricks. I asked her where Kyla was and she pointed to Kyla. I asked her where mom was and she pointed to me. I asked her “where’s daddy?” and she looked around the room for a minute, then pointed to our wedding picture up on the wall! She then proceeded to say “bye-bye” and blew him a big kiss. It melted me. She misses him just as much as the rest of us (well maybe not as much as I do!) and we all can’t wait for him to be home in 4 days! Here are a couple of pix of dad and our little sweetie.

Easter 2008, went to watch dad paintball with his brothers and nephews.
Asleep in dad’s arms, Easter 2008 at Aunt Julie’s house.
Asleep in dad’s arms again, May 2008, Spinnakers in Socilito on our visit to see dad in San Francisco.
Resting tired feet after walking all day along Fisherman’s Wharf, May 2008 visiting dad in San Francisco.
Stinson Beach, May 2008 also on our visit to San Fran.